We do today, thinking about tomorrow
Health and Safety
Social investment
We take care that the next generations also have
- Air quality monitoring
- Recovery of areas impacted by the implementation of the Corridor
- Monitoring of the water of the rivers crossed by the Corridor
- Treatment and monitoring of industrial and waste water
- Monitoring of large marine fauna and marine prairies
- Monitoring of mangroves, sediments and terrestrial fauna.
To ensure the quality of air, water, rivers crossed by the corridor, as well as the sea where our port is installed, nacala rigorously makes polymer application and coal cell beeperation.
The substance prevented coal particles from spreading through the air during the transport from Moatize to Nacala.
In the storage yard, coal is periodically sprinkled with jets of water with the same ojective.
We engage in capacity building projects as one way of empowering communities through skills development, distribution of farm input products, provision of safe water boreholes and distribution of beekeeping equipment.
Farm Input Distribution: We partnered with Agora and identified families to distribute farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and insecticides. We believe that this program plays a pivotal role in increasing agricultural productivity for farmers that have no access to these inputs.
Borehole Drilling: with over 80 boreholes drilled since the commencement of the program, the potable water holes also serve as a safety measure to reduce crossings on the railway line to search for water in the streams.
Beekeeping: We partnered with African Parks in order to do the beekeeping project. This is important in rural development activities since it provides products for household consumption and income from sale of honey and other bee products.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Aware that any change takes its time to happen, the company remains firm and confident in the investment it has made. Example is that daily our social monitors, take distances in dialogue with people about the need to take safer behaviors. There are a total of 198 monitors working along the 672-kilometre rail line of the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique.The work of social monitors contributes significantly to the prevention of train accidents along the Nacala Corridor. From 2017 to 2021, when the Corridor began to count on the work of this group, Nacala Logistics recorded a 48% reduction in occurrences involving trains and people from the communities along the railroad.
Social investment
Social investment
Nacala Logistics is committed to improving the living conditions of communities. To this end, it invests in the following development programmes:
School Lunch
- Famílias beneficiárias: 14.000
- Sementes distribuídas: 4 mil toneladas de culturas diversas
- Tipo de culturas: amendoim, arroz, milho, gergelim, feijão e
- Beneficiários: 600
- Tipo de beneficio: formação, infraestrutura, embarcações a motor
e financiamento de projectos de geração de renda.
- Total de alunos beneficiários: 32 mil crianças
- Refeições servidas: 32 mil refeições
- Escolas beneficiárias: 26 escolas dos distritos de Nacala-à-Velha,
Ribáuè e Malema.
Local Workforce Training
In the Work Market Preparation Program, we train about 700 young people in car mechanics, electricity, computer science, etc.
The trainings rely on the entrepreneurship component.